Jeff Linroth’s Leaving It Better LLC

Welcome to Leaving It Better, LLC!  It’s what Small Business Consultant Jeff Linroth is all about!  Helping people and helping them with their small businesses is something we enjoy and have a record of success at.  Operating a business is hard enough.  We help you make sure that you are rewarded both financially and with peace of mind.  When you make even a simple plan, it can be one that puts you on a the right path.  One that provides you the kind of work experience you want, the income you want, and one that makes the lasting impact you intend.

The Difference

You experience the difference we make in a couple of ways. We are not the only ones who can help you have business success in the way it is traditionally measured. We come alongside you and you’ll find that we care about how you experience your business as well as the hard-won success you attain.

The Method

The processes we use are a blend of tried and true best business practices coupled with a great deal of personalization. You (and we), will place a greater emphasis on the activities needed to drive the results that are most important to you while still tending to all other things great and small that are needed for success. We will learn which activities you enjoy the most and feel purposeful doing. You’ll get to spend a lot of time doing those. We will help you find the right people to do the things you don’t like doing.

The Results

The hard work of standing up and operating a business will still be required. With us alongside it will be more exhilarating, less taxing, and ultimately more rewarding…in more ways than one. You will have the satisfaction of knowing you are leaving it better for your colleagues, customers, and you and yours.